“In late 2018, Cameron (Cam) my little brother was diagnosed with leukaemia. It was completely shocking and scary. For many months Cameron endured several rounds of chemotherapy. Until finally in February 2019, we were told Cam was cancer free. We were able to breathe again *cautiously*. Cam went back to being a typical 18 year old.

Little did we know that in the two years following, Cam would go on to face two more relapses of his leukaemia.
His most recent stay in hospital happened during lockdown. Cam went into hospital with the hope of treating his relapse post stem cell transplant. Due to restrictions only I could stay with Cam. For seven weeks me and Cam stayed in one room, and could only see our mum from the window when she came to drop off snacks and laundry. It was extremely difficult for all of us.
Cameron’s health began to deteriorate as he developed serious complications. The doctors had run out of options to treatment Cameron. It was truly heartbreaking… Cameron was moved to our local hospital so he could be comfortable in familiar surroundings. It was in these precious last few days of Cameron’s life we learnt about Dragonfly Cancer Trust.
Dragonfly Cancer Trust enabled us to have a memory of Cameron with us wherever we are. Dragonfly Cancer Trust holds a special place in our hearts, and we will always be grateful for what they’ve done for us and what they do for other families and young people.”
Dragonfly Cancer Trust quickly, respectfully and sensitively arranged for some fingerprint jewellery to be made for us as a family so that we had a lasting memory and keepsake of Cameron. They also took care of the cost of the jewellery so we didn’t have to worry about that and could focus on being there for Cameron. We sadly lost Cameron on the 26th May 2020, he was just 20 years old. Leaving a great hole in our hearts.
Charis, Cameron’s sister